Monday, January 3, 2011

reading is easier than writing

of course!

This morning, I decided today was going to be a pyjama day. That's a day where I don't get out of my PJs cos I intend staying home. When I woke at 6am, the weather was miserable. I got up, fed the cats, boiled the jug and made a cup of tea, read the paper (and completed the suduko and code cracker) and then settled down to finish reading Anita Shreve's Change of Altitude.

That was done by mid-morning by which time I'd eaten breakfast, put on a load of washing, had various conversations with members of the whanau and then picked up Testimony but the same author. A very, very intriguing read. Well done Ms Shreve. So many voices and so convincingly done. The only 'voice' which jarred was that of Ellen in the second person which is ironic because my YA novel G-Force has a character who originally spoke in second person but I'm taking it back to first or third at the request of the publisher.

Anyway, I have spent the holiday period watching countless DVDs (wonderful finds!) and reading. It's all about story. The thing that I know and understand as an author is that, though it might take us a couple of hours to watch a movie and a day or so to read a book, the creation of the text would have taken hours, days, months, years, frustration, lots of supporters and other gifted contributers.

Confession time: I think Fleance, Rosie and Rachel are getting fed up with me stalling.


Pen said...

You're probably right. they may drag you out to the office by your hair and chain you to the chair shortly, better take care! :)

J.T. Webster said...

It sounds like you're having my kind of holiday: Books, movies, books, pyjama days and more books!

Yes. if only we could write as fast as we read. But then there would be too many books for us to plow through I suppose.

Imy said...

WAIT!!! I got it wrong, wikipedia says that Banquo was King James I's ancestor! So Shakespeare was just sucking up! Sorry :(

TK Roxborogh said...

My bad Imogen. Had we studied Macbeth last year (instead of Tickle a Mockingbird), I would have passed onto you this well known fact. Indeed, Will was kissing butt. Heh heh. Still am pleased that you had got it wrong cos I thought it remiss of me that I did not know what you had said.

Happy New Year BTW