Saturday, October 2, 2010

The reviews begin to come in....

This first one from the online site Fangtastic Fiction which is interesting for me because I didn't see any connection between the vampire rage and my trilogy but I DO have witches and ghosts and prophecies so I should not be surprised.
Thanks to Ali for taking the time to review the book:

has wonderful imagery, all written in a modern style, and you don’t notice yourself being completely transported to medieval Scotland. TK Roxborogh weaves historical elements into this magnificent work of fiction, which not only bring historical figures to life, but in using this setting as the backdrop of the story, the fictional characters are given an added dimension, making them seem more ‘real’.

The second story picks up and carries on from Banquo’s Son, but could quite happily be read as a standalone novel as it is a ‘new’ phase in Fleance’s life. Although Tania proclaims that this was an incredibly difficult work to write, there is no pain in the reading: the story is well constructed and flows from start to end.
Fleance seems to have more emotional depth, and, although still prone to almost childish tantrums (as befits a youth in his position), he also shows remarkable empathy, as well as remarkable strength and understanding of the importance of his role to Scotland.

If you’ve read Banquo’s Son, you will no doubt remember the incredible skill in which you are lead down the garden path of plot deception. Bloodlines carries on this tradition. There is nothing formulaic about the way the story unfolds. In fact the author seems to take great delight in flying against traditional ‘norms’ in storytelling, yet still manages to make it all come together perfectly. Unexpected characters die, trustworthy characters betray, enemies give their lives... but do they? Is what we believe to be a betrayal, really a betrayal? Oh, so many wonderful, subtle twists that you just cannot try and guess the plot.

From angelic Rachel, to stoic Preston, no character is left undeveloped. In fact, great care is taken to build a connection between the characters and the reader. Yet, again, this is often done with such subtly that I was completely surprised at how attached I was to a character until I faced the threat of them being taken away.
I really adored this book but it is one that you must relax into to really enjoy. As soon as you stop trying to second guess the plot, the story just starts to flow, the images form in your mind and you hear the characters talking in your head.
Bloodlines has such wonderful characters and settings, and is such a vividly alive story that holds a little something for everyone to enjoy.

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