Friday, March 26, 2010


So, after the injection of enthusiasm from the girls, I wrote over 3000 words. The trouble is, they are Sh**ty First Draft words. I came back to it this arvo and want to delete it all.

And, my wonderful publisher says it still aint right and she's right but I need time to make it right.

I think I will write another scene that the girls and I dreamt up yesterday: it contains, Blair, Rosie and the three witches....


Mary McCallum said...

Tania - We've been discussing Banquo's Son at the bookshop I work at - how young a reader? We had a woman in her 80s delighted by it suggesting it was for 16 year olds up... Joanna, the owner, says 14 year olds up.... I still have yet to read it ... BUT have been pushing it for teens and yesterday, I sold it to a mother of two boys - one nearly 14 and the other 11... both very mature avid readers, she plans to read it to them. What do you think? Will the 11 year old enjoy? Or is it a case of some inappropriate stuff which the mother can 'edit' out as she goes along? I will read it by the way when I get through this next patch of required reading .... can't wait.

TK Roxborogh said...

hi Mary. My agent's 12 year old neice read it and loved. No inappropriate stuff (I had to delete in anticipation of the American market).

I'd like to think people who like reading epic adventure stories (whatever age) will enjoy

Mary McCallum said...

Very good news indeed. I'm sure these two boys will love it - especially read by their Mum who has the loveliest reading voice.