Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The end is in sight

I have two chapters to finish and I've written half of both. I am trying not to be lazy and rush to the end but also don't want to get bogged down.

I also know that I have a HUGE second stage ahead of me: when I receive the feedback from my publisher and agent. They have warned me that there are lots of red marks. Which is ALL good and will ensure your experience reading Bloodlines will be at least as enjoyable as was your reading of Banquo's Son.

Five more days until I go back to school. Am trying not to think of the 45 Level 2 Language Research Assignments sitting on my desk waiting to be marked.

Oh, and I have work to do on two English Grammar books (we are updating and reissuing them). And a tweaking of a YA which will be about time rather than being hard because the book is pretty cool - I just need to change the narrative POV of two of the characters - lots of mouse work ahead.

1 comment:

TK Roxborogh said...

The first 64 pages of comments and track changes and suggestions have arrived in my in box and they are not too scary - a lot to do with continuity - problems with creating over too long and not enough concentrated time. Little things like the time of day and the weather.

I just feel bad for Vicki and Josh that I made them have to work so hard. They are the bomb!