Sunday, March 22, 2009

the gaps in between

So, what does one do once one has sent off the final tome and then needs to consider the sequel?

Firstly: handing over the final manuscript is like handing over a baby - with the connotations that might bring up. Like when my husband and I discussed whether to have another child, the conversations were filled with embedded angst. Could I do justice to another? Would I love it as much? What if it disappointed?

Well, we've had two kids and we love them both so much and love their differences and similarities - the problems they cause us (though, at the time, we don't feel the love).

Now, I am pregnant with the second book - I know her sex (continuing with the metaphor, I've had the scan and I know the scope). The question is: do I have the energy to go through the pregnancy (the growth of the baby) and the birth?

I remember when my first born was inside me and I'd gone to the ante-natal class and was taught about the awful stage. I was utterly convinced that if I didn't want it to happen, i.e. give birth, it wouldn't. I said this as I waddled, heavily pregnant down the hospital corridor. I was so naive.

The truth is, if a story (or life) is conceived, someone must bring it to life.

For Banquo's Son, the story has expanded past one book and now runs to three.

I'm thrilled with this because I think these characters deserve such attention.

I just wish I was not 'hindered' by having to make a living being a teacher (though I love this so much) as well as juggling being a mummy.

Thankfully, I have a whole year to write the next book rather than the three months I did.

I miss Fleance and Rosie and Rachel. I look forward to meeting them again when the term times allow.


Anonymous said...

Well lets hope that the delivery of the book is not as painful as child birth!!!!!!! I can't wait to read them all. So just keep writing writing writing, just keep writing, (to quote a doryism!)
From Im

flavia said...

A new addition to the family? ;)
love, flavi xx