Monday, August 10, 2009

I had to put this here cos I've had a hard day

From Siobhan (Penguin) in response to the blog:

We got the advances of the book in today and it looks wonderful - everything that we had imagined it would be. We're all getting very excited about the release of the book - we know it's going to be THE must have book for Xmas.
Can't wait to read the next installment - I'm in Rachel's corner!

Thanks Siobhan, a much needed injection of positive warmth for this ravaged writer/teacher/mother


Melinda Szymanik said...

But I can read it 'before' christmas, can't I?

TK Roxborogh said...

The book will be in the shops Monday 28th of September.

Imogen said...


TK Roxborogh said...

Come on. Rachel is wonderful but but Rosie is his soul mate