Thursday, October 8, 2009

Best Seller

Just learned Banquo's Son is third on the best seller list. Wahoo.

Great interviews today. Lots of signings. Loving the warmth of Auckland. Hating that my house needs a crap load of work but pleased to see friends and family and delight in the smell that is Auckland. Tsunami warnings taken seriously this time - very concerned with the extreme low tide and yes, higher waves than normal happened.

It's been a long day but very enjoyable.

News flash: two hours in Auckland Central Library and discovered the real Banquo and his son Fleance. OMG. So excited. They were REAL.


flavia said...

REAL Banquo and Fleance?? Do tell!!

Imy said...

Yeah! I wanna know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on 3rd

Pen said...

Oh, I so love when things like that happen!