Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wise words

Today, I got post from the NZSA and, at the back (of a very worthy newsletter) was a collection of quotes. This one struck me as being incredibly relevant to my 'writing attitude' at the moment:

"I assumed the burden of a profession, which is to write even when you don't want to, don't much like what you are writing, and aren't writing particularly well." Agatha Christie 1977

I was a school today (with no students) being taught in the first part of the morning about the language of the new curriculum and later my school's plan to make information available to students 24/7 (more helpful for parents, I suspect, whose kids don't let them know what is going on at school) and then, while others went off to the staff lunch (which I did not attend for very understandable reasons) I went to Rhubarb and pondered the following:

In Bloodlines, what will be Rosie's story? What motivates her to stay single? Is there pressure from her parents to marry? Is she given knowledge which comes from beyond the corporal?

In terms of the process of this whole story, Fleance came first and then Rosie. After, came Duncan and then Rachel but, because of what I'm writing, Rachel is more my best friend than Rosie (though I love Rosie). Rachel my best friend cos she’s so calm and wise. Attributes so necessary in this world.

I feel like I've been away from a friend for a while and need a catch up so I've written these questions (and more) to get me thinking about the next step.

I have a daughter the same age as Rosie. On the one hand, she is still a child in that I have to remind her to brush her teeth and not answer back to her father but on the other hand, she is the most amazing adult. Last night she sang two solos at the Dunedin Town Hall. She is more world travelled than me but she still can't keep her room clean.

Like Rosie, she loves a boy (and we love him too) but both sets of parents wring their hands at such young and intense love. (BTW she has given me permission to say such things - such is her nature and maturity)

So, to Rosie who is beautiful and kind and caring but merchant class. Versus Fleance, um, King of Scotland?

Houston, we have a problem.

Ya think?


Melinda Szymanik said...

are there any precedants for commoners marrying royalty?

TK Roxborogh said...

sigh - more research in order me thinks.

Pen said...

Do fairy tales count? :P