Tuesday, June 21, 2011

a review of Bloodlines from the post teen section of society

To get reviewed in any publication is an honour even if the review is bad. To be reviewed by the cynical audience one is trying to attract is a bonus. To have thus said is gold:

‘Admittedly when I first saw the cover I expected yet another clichéd vampire love story. With a title like Bloodlines and the creepy eyes of the Taylor-Swith-esque girl, it is not hard to see why. Never the less I I quickly discovered that the book possesses extreme depth and clever characterisation. Roxborogh allows the reader to connect to the protagonist on a highly emotional level. I enjoyed Bloodlines immensely and discovered that a fanatic following of the trilogy exists online.’

Pippa Schaffer is the critic.The review is from the Otago University’s Critic Mag – March edition.
In it are some articles from my own students. To be mentioned means the story is worthy; to be included means the writer is worthy.
All hail to thee, Pippa.