Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Banquo's Son Trilogy - digging in the seeds

I've had a wonderful few days writing and enjoying getting acquainted with characters I used to know well (Rosie) and characters whom I didn't know so well. Also enjoying thinking about the hard questions about life, love and the way the world works.

What I've written is 'Shitty First Draft' stuff but the bones are there and I'm currently happy with the trajectory.

On Monday, I went into Marbecks here in Dunedin (a new store: cafe, music, books, dvds) and remarked to the manager I was pleased to see Banquo's Son on the Best Sellers table. He blanched and then said, 'You live here? You're the author?'

'Yes,' I said. 'That's me.'

'I thought you were just another international author. Should I shift the books to the New Zealand section?'

'No,' I said. 'Leave it as it is. The publishers clearly got it right in not pigeonholing me.

Now, if we could just get the rest of the world to stop trying to put me and the books in a cubby hole, we might get traction.

Highlight for Tuesday: wandering through Farmers Dept store and one of my ex students beaming: I'm at chapter nine and loving it. It's sooooo good.

I did good with this one and am thankful to my publisher (Vicki) and my agent (Josh) and my students and Fleur for helping me to make the whole thing better.

But, part of me just wishes that it could have been (could be) easier.

All the readers say this is a great story. Here, the blog review of a librian from Central Districts:

'I reviewed this book a little while ago and now put it in my top 10 because it is a brilliant read for people from ages 12 to ...whenever. It was entertaining, well written and inspired me to go looking for more information about the history of Scotland. Tania Roxborogh has written a masterpiece.'

I came across this comment from a librarian’s blog (she read over 400 books this year and had been asked to name her top ten. Ours was number 7.)

I think her comments pretty much sum up what people are feeling about the book.

So, I am not Witi and I'm not Joy or Margaret but I'm getting lovely emails from people around the world wanting more of my books.

I think I'm doing okay.

Now, back to the rain and burned out remains of a wee village in Scotland (11th Century of course - go Blair and Rosie)


Imy said...

Marbecks is great, funny how that guy thought you were international, good actually! Now just keep writing writing writing. Can't wait to read the not quite so Sfd!

Fifi Colston said...

I'm loving watching the rise of this book, knowing some of the journey you have taken and the years of apprenticeship to become a master. The world often just sees the final result, the gorgeous tip of the mountain poking up throught the clouds and not the 20 and more years, the granite and lava that builds it. I have little patience for the cult of instant stardom and much time for seasoned success. Tania Rox, rocks, solid base, reaching high. xxx

Ross Calverley said...

I'm sure I have read over 500 books this year. Banquo's Son is about 4th equal...

TK Roxborogh said...

Thanks guys. I'm biased, of course but I have some favourites of my own and every now and then I think, hmmm Banquo's Son is actually MUCH BETTER.

But, I don't want to be a literary snob so don't say such things. Though, cough, I think I just did.